Monday, September 16, 2013

Love that Fills Us

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. 
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

This week for Student Worship, we talked about love. 

God's great and abundant love. 

A love that centers us. 
A love that fills us. 
A love that transforms us. 

Powerful love!

We sang the same songs as last week, 
to build up familiarity:
Every Move I Make
Hold Me
Blessed Be Your Name
How Great is Our God

One of the amazing parts of the time Sunday 
was the prayer requests.
The children opened their hearts, 
praying for their friends and family, 
but also thanking God for our church.
One child prayed for people who don't know God's love. 
Their prayers were so heart-filled, I was moved to tears!

Our message centered on the understanding that God's love fills us.

Led by one of our amazing youth, Benton, 
he did this experiment again and again -
much to the children's delight -
and so they could understand that God's love fill us, 
again and again!

We took a small baking pan and filled it with colored water. 
(the color doesn't matter). 

In the center of the pan sat a candle. 
Attach it to the pan either by hot glue (like we did)
or with a ball of clay. 
Just make sure it stays still. 

Then, light the candle. 

Put a glass jar or cup over the candle and watch what happens. 

Benton told the children that when we put God 
at the center of our lives, 
like the candle was in the center of the jar, 
we are filled. 

And the jar was filled. 

The jar gets filled. 

The bigger the candle, the more it gets filled. 

After the message, 
we broke into our small groups and shared these questions:

Here are our small group questions:
What does love feel like? What does love look like?
Who do you love? Who loves you?
How is God’s love different (greater) than our love?
How does God’s love fill you?
How do you share God’s love with others?

It was a wonderful day! 

Rise and Shine friends! 

Peace, Pastor Katie

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